This will be some intro text about the fact that we have a growing number of qualified coaches, who can provide support at whatever level you are at………

Name: Dave Marshall

Position: Head Coach

Qualifications: Level ……..

About Dave:
Dave has been a member of Ramsbottom Angling Association for x numbers of years……

Favourite Venue: Bradshaw Fishery – Lake 4

Biggest Catch: 22lb Mirror Carp, Bradshaw Fisheries – Lake 2

Name: Lee Long

Position: Junior Coach, Match Secretary

Qualifications: Level ……..

About Dave:
Dave has been a member of Ramsbottom Angling Association for x numbers of years……

Favourite Venue: Bradshaw Fishery – Lake 4

Biggest Catch: 22lb Mirror Carp, Bradshaw Fisheries – Lake 2